Tuesday 25 August 2015

What Nigerians Should Do To Make Politicians Deliver on Their Campaign Promises

Some political schools of thought in Nigeria have come to the logical conclusion that Nigerian political elites will continue to squander the resources meant for the people on their personal needs, as long as the people continue to tolerate it. For lack of better words, no nation can move forward when government officials are worshiped as gods simply because of the minute advancement their regime brings.
Nigeria’s democracy was recently strengthened by the successful hand over of power. For the first time, Majority of the electorates believed their vote counted this time. The success of the elections was possible because of the combined effort of  the civil society, determined citizens, effective INEC bureaucracy and a willing government.
It is wrong however to think that the job is done. Elected officials alone cannot wave the magic wand and conjure electricity, jobs, hospitals and other much needed infrastructure. They usually tell the electorates want they want to hear. Having a functional society requires a willing public who should be ready to make sacrifices like they did during the elections in other to help the government succeed.
The most important step towards development will be a combine effort by the government and the civil society to create a system that is effective. The old idea of waiting for a “one man messiah” that will be elected and fix all the problems of the nation should be abandoned. Nigerians need to show the same determination and will that was seen during the March elections if they want any elected politician to succeed.
If these necessary steps are not taken, The current administration will be another failure like others before it. Reforms will be ineffective or not enough. Few years later, We will be looking for another messiah political party and politician ,the circle of self deceit and ineffectiveness will continue.

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