Monday 10 August 2015

Heaven Is Real

Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty God; You are the God of hope; the God of love; You are the God of all things. You are an awesome God. I fall to my knees and humbly proclaim your Holiness. Today is the day that You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Father, I search deep into Your word to know You, and to do Your will. Your word says to be strong and courageous. I have no fear other than a reverent fear of You, because You are on my side. Your word tells me that You will teach me the way to go with Your eyes upon me; Give me wisdom and understanding of Your ways. Your word is proven and Your ways are perfect; You are the fire that warms my heart, and the light that directs my steps.

I need more of You in my life and less of me. I am a sinner; I need You. I cast all my cares upon You, because You care for me. You are my strength and shield, my heart trusts in You. You crush my enemies underneath my feet, and nothing formed against me shall stand. My stance with You father is on genuflect and arms raised, on solid rock I stand.
Father, You know the depths of my heart; You knew me before I was born; You know my past, present and future. When I call out Your name, You're already there with arms wide open. Nothing is greater than Your unconditional love You have for me.
By Your grace, You sent Your only begotten Son to shine His precious light on the world for salvation, that anyone who accepts and confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior will be saved. When I ask for You to take this thorn from my side, you say, Your grace is enough, which pours down like rain from the heavens; You cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I stand at the foot of the rugged cross with thankfulness where the price was paid in full for my transgressions. Oh death, where is your sting? Where is your victory? The victory belongs to You, Father. You are worthy of all honor, praise and glory; I praise Your Holy name, and give all the glory to You.
Father, You demonstrated Your power by raising Christ from the dead; nothing is impossible to You. Resurrect the hearts of those who are going through trials. Show Your healing power to promote health and well-being to those who are sick. Show abundant blessings to those who love You.
Father, I ask that You give faith to unbelievers for You wish that no one should perish. Open their hearts to hear the truth of Your word, and give them faith to believe in Your Son. Teach us to love and pray for our enemies, and for those who persecute and hate us for Jesus' namesake. Thank You for the blessings You have given to me and my family. Guard and protect us from the evil one, and deliver me from temptation. Forgive me of my sins. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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