Thursday 16 July 2015


If the one you call a leader is not leading your ship, what the hell are you still doing on that ship?
This is the first question I ask myself each time I find myself in a team. It doesnt matter if it is a church gathering, class team, sports team or even in a relationship. If the one leading the ship is incompetent then I´m sure getting the hell out of that ship. It is Lead-A-Ship (Lead Our Ship) and that needs no other definition for me.
Competency says it all. A team leader should posses certain qualities to qualify as the leader. Can he /she get everyone to work together? Problem is, a lot of people are not committed to teamwork. They want to boss over others or simply want to see others fail. These attrib

utes are not isolated to race, tribe, class nor religion. Pathetically, it is human. It takes a good leader to channel this wrong energy into building a strong force (team).
It shouldn't surprise you to find leaders who engage in gossips. After all, he/ she is human too. But that is poor leadership skill. A leader should be talking to people not talking them down.
Chances are, if you are on a team you are either motivated or trained, or both. Motivation is wanting to succeed and training is how to succeed. If the leader is not giving you any of these qualities then you might as well jump off that ship into the ocean. I mean that figuratively. Unless, of course if you can swim.
You have to ask yourself these questions: have I developed any skill since I joined this team? Am I any better after joining this team? Let us look at the word TEAM. There are million definitions for the word but let us look at it this way:
TEAM: Train, Educate, Act and Motivate. Are you getting trained? How much education are you getting from the leader? Are you being compelled to Act on the information you are gathering? How motivated are you in the team? And finally, Is that leader consolidating all the different composition of the group members to function together, as one?...

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