Sunday 22 October 2017

UN Women Stakeholders in Plateau State reviewed and adopts state action plan

UN Women Plateau state held a stakeholders validation workshop to review and adopt Plateau State action plan (PSAP) UNSCR 1325 on the 19th of October 2017 at the Crest Hotel in Jos.
In her welcoming address, the Permanent Secretary of the Plateau State Ministry of Women Affairs Mrs Hassana Ayika urges stakeholders at the workshop to look critically at every emerging issue in the state as they review the document. Highlighting on the effect of drug abuse among women in the north.
She also emphasize on the spillover of terrorist groups into the state which has given rise to high crime rate and the need to  enlighten  women to be cautious as rape cases are on the rise.
The Plateau State Chairperson of the National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) Mrs Jennifer Yerima commended the UN women for including journalists and the media not just to report issues but to actively participate and investigate issues bothering security and the role of women.
In her presentation, the UN Women’s Gender Technical Adviser of Women Peace and Security, WPS in Plateau State, Ms Sewuese Surma outline the overview and background of PSAP aligning with the 2nd revised national action plan (NAP) UNSCR 1325.
The 1st PSAP indentifies and document issues such as no consideration of impact of protracted conflict on women & girls in plateau state, no compensation for loss of livelihood & properties, women taking up dual roles to keep families, little or no coordination between women peace and security bodies, no prosecution recorded for perpetuators of gender-based violence, psychological trauma for women & girls, disruption of basic amenities and absence of clear operational guidelines for PSAP.
The 2nd PSAP aligns with 2nd NAP policies of states e.g, policy on peace, security and good governance, human capital and social welfare, child rights law (2005), gender and equal opportunities law (2015). Others are laws establishing plateau state peace building agency (2016), operation rainbow (2013).
Participant breaks into groups to review the document and adopt the 2017 – 2020 PSAP.
The overall principle guiding the delivery of the PSAP would focus on ensuring that women rights are protected and promoted in peace and security in plateau state.

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