Friday 3 November 2017

Get into Character

As a kid, Samuel L. Jackson stuttered so badly that he stopped talking for almost a year. Today he’s one of the world’s most successful actors, with roles in over 100 films, including Pulp Fiction and The Avengers. For the first time, the Oscar nominated star teaches how he creates memorable characters, powerful performances, and a long-lasting career. Learn to master auditions, analyze scripts, and find the truth in every role you play.

Breaking: Gov. Lalong declares dusk-to-dawn curfew in Jos over erupted clash

Plateau state Governor Simon Lalong, has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in Jos over reported clash in the state’s capital. Vanguard earlier reported that tension had arisen in Jos as Igbo traders allegedly closed shops for fear of a reprisal attacks following reported clash between Igbo resident in Rivers state and the Hausa community. The director of press and public affairs to Governor Lalong, Emmanuel Nanle Samuel, who gave the statement also said that the governor was dismayed at the tension that was building up in the state. Lalong According to the statement, “Consequently, the governor has directed an immediate imposition of curfew from dusk to dawn (6pm – 6am) within the Greater Jos-Bukuru Metropolis, until further notice. The deployment of security personnel to all flash points within the metropolis has also been directed to ensure compliance with the curfew order and to avert any further breach of law and order. “The governor wishes to assure all citizens that the security and welfare as the primary concern of government is assured by the Rescue Administration. He is therefore enjoining all citizens to go about their business with the assurance that their safety is guaranteed. He further appealed to all religious and community leaders, neighbourhood vigilantes as well as all law abiding citizens to ensure nobody is allowed to take advantage of this unfortunate situation to engage in criminality. “The governor wishes to restate that Plateau state remains home to all citizens of Nigeria irrespective of religion, ethnic extraction or political persuasion. He therefore enjoins all peace loving citizens to ensure that nothing is allowed to upset the hard earned peace in the state.” 

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From the Desk of
R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North
BY: Mc Joe Ben Nanmwa

Tuesday 24 October 2017

That is where Buhari has brought us by Fani-Kayode

The greatest crime that man has inflicted on his fellow man in the last 50 years is the evil concept of unrestrained globalisation coupled with the incremental evolution, unacceptable espousal and wholehearted acceptance of the artificial, man-made, mongrel nation-state which is made up of ethnic and religious incompatible.
Yet thankfully there has been a backlash.
The forces of the far-right and ethnic nationalism are marshalling and are on the rise all over the world. Consequently a laudable, unprecedented and irresistable counter-offensive has begun.
We see this in Trump’s United States of America, Putin’s Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Israel, France, Holland, Hungary and many other parts of the civilised world.
We have witnessed it in Catalonia, Biafra, Scotland and Kurdistan where the oppressed are fighting for the establishment of their own nation.
All over the world we hear the cry of those that are struggling for their emancipation and deliverance from alien and foreign oppressors with whom they share no history or have any cultural or religious links or affiliation.
Throughout the comity of nations we hear the desperate lamentations and compelling words of those great and noble patriots and souls who take pride in their history, cultural heritage, ethnicity and religious faith and who refuse to allow their identity to be redefined, watered down, eradicated or decimated in the name of unrestrained and unfettered racial integration with those that they have nothing in common.
We hear the voices of those who refuse to be robbed of their heritage and persona by a godless horde of ranking unbelievers, murderous religious extremists, barbarous aliens and desperate usurpers who come from a distant land and we acknowledge the concerns of those who refuse to be ensnared by false, bogus and long-discredited notions of political correctness and the wholesale adoption of discredited and nonsensical liberal values and philosophies.
The bottom line is as follows: there is no crime in flying the flag of ethnic nationalism, in rejecting the idea of a nation of hybrids and in wanting to take your nation back for its people. There is no sin in the desire to re-establish pure and unpolluted ethnic bloodlines and racial stock.
There is no shame in chanting “blood and soil” whilst marching in the streets with torch in hand as others once did many years ago.
It is indeed the procession of the faithful: it is the march for freedom and the song of liberty.
It is an attempt to restore, defend and preserve the very essence of who we are. It is an attempt to break the shackles of bondage and the chains of slavery. It is an attempt to liberate us from those with whom we share no history, no heritage and no values and yet who insist on imposing their will on us, controlling and dominating our very lives and insisting that they were born to rule.
This is all the more so given the fact that, in the Nigerian context, our president
was once a profoundly good man I say this because under his watch more Shiite Muslims, northern Christians, Igbo youths, Middle Belters and southerners have been slaughtered and butchered than at any other time in our history other than during the civil war.
Worse still, this is a man who, according to the President of the World Bank, Kim Yong Jim, said that his organisation should concentrate their efforts on developing northern Nigeria alone as if the rest of our country does not even exist.
Yet why am I not surprised? After all, as far as Buhari is concerned the people of southern Nigeria and the middle belt are only relevant at the time of a presidential election.
This is a man who had the sheer effrontery to insult us all by addressing the entire nation in the Hausa language on the occasion of the Islamic Ramadan observance.
This is a man who boastfully and openly told the world that he would favour those who voted for him in the 2015 Presidential elections (meaning his core Muslim northern base) and that he would not favour those who voted against him (meaning the predominantly Christian south).
This is a man whom the celebrated writer Bashorun Akin Osuntokun rightly described in his latest column as a President “who is firmly wedded to the politics of division and of pan northern Nigerian Muslim irredentist politics”.
A leader must put the good of his country before his own inclinations and that of his party. This is something that is clearly lost on Muhammadu Buhari and his core northern Hausa Fulani supporters.
Nigel Farage MEP, the founder and former leader of Great Britain’s United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and one of the most formidable and potent
voices behind BREXIT recently said,
“The establishment media across Europe and the West despise me. They cannot accept that people still believe in the nation state”.
I know precisely how he feels. The walk of the ethnic nationalist in todays globalised world is more often than not a lonely one. Farage places his english heritage and identity before he does his British one. He also places his British heritage before his European one and he outrightly rejects the concept and notion of a fully integrated and amaglamated European super state where various and disparate ethnic nationalities are merged into one.
I share his vision and ethos and I superimpose it on the Nigerian plain. I am an Ife before being a Yoruba, I am a Yoruba before being a Nigerian and I refuse to have it any other way.
This is especially so when one considers what has been going on in the last two years in our country.
Consider the events in Plateau state a few days ago.
No less than forty (and according to some reports as many as one hundred) innocent and defenceless indegenous Christians, including women and children, were butchered in their homes by Muslim Fulani herdsmen.
President Muhammadu Buhari, who is himself a Muslim, a Fulani and indeed the Life Patron of the Fulani Herdsmen Association (Miyetti Allah) has offered no commiserations to the families of the dead, has refused to visit the state, has expressed no genuine regrets or remorse, has failed to arrrest any of the perpertrators and has refused to declare the Fulani herdsmen as terrorists. Instead of doing any of the above he promptly flew off to Turkey for a D8
That is where Buhari has brought us. One is compelled to ask, is this the kind of leadership and country that we deserve. Is that what Lord Lugard’s amaglamated super state with its annointed Fulani overlords have to offer? Is that what I am supposed to subsume, supress and sacrifice my Yoruba heritage and my Christian faith for? I think not!
Permit me to end this contribution with the words of Sir Winston Churchill, an Old Harrovian (like yours truly) and the greatest Prime Minister that Great Britain ever had. He said,
“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never: in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparantly overwhelming might of the enemy”.
These words inspire and I commend them to every man, woman and child in our country who refuses to bow to tyranny and be enslaved and who takes pride in who they are, where they come from and what their ethnic heritage, bloodlines, racial stock and true nationality is.
I conclude with the following counsel.
There will be times that we are powerless when we face evil, injustice and tyranny but there must never be a time when we fail to
Some say that the path of uncompromising and relentless opposition that we have chosen is a dangerous and unpredictable one. They forget that the wounds of honor are self-inflicted.
If you want to be set apart and regarded as a man of courage, truth and honor or the champion of the oppressed and the voice of the voiceless you must be ready to take the blows, wounds and oftentimes dire consequences that go with it.
William Shakespeare wrote “cowards die many times before their time but the valiant die but once” whilst our very own Wole Soyinka wrote “the man died in him who remained silent in the face of tyranny”.
The great American patriot and hero of the war of independence, John Mchenry, told King George 111 of England to “give me freedom or give me death” whilst George Washington, the leader of the American forces in that war and the first President of the United States of America said,
“the thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is that he will die on his feet before he will live on his knees”.
To top it all one of the most courageous souls of the 21st century, Edward Snowden, who is the American spy that defected to Russia two years ago, wrote “speak not because it is safe but because it is right”.
Given the circumstances that we have found ourselves in Buhari’s Nigeria, EVERY single person in our country has much to learn from the profound words of these deeply courageous men.
Some of us have chosen to be courageous and valiant and have refused to remain silent. We made a choice to stand up and resist the chicanery and wickedness of this administration and we are prepared to pay the price for the choice that we have made.
I for one would rather live a short life and die as a free man than live a long life as a slave. The Bible says “he who holds on to his life will lose it and he who is ready to give up his life for my cause will gain it”.
I do not fear any man or any circumstance because I know the God that I serve. I am a servant of truth, a warrior of light and a child of the Living God: I bow to no man and I do not tremble before tyrants.
I will endure anything and pay any price to liberate my nation from what it has been transformed in the past two years with every fibre of my being in the full knowledge that in the end we shall prevail.
By Femi Fani-Kayode

Cybercrime: Aisha Buhari urges parents, teachers to monitor online activities of youths

The Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari, has called on parents and teachers to monitor the online activities of the children to prevent them from being exposed to criminality like cybercrime.
Mrs Buhari, who was represented by Mrs Pauline Tallen, former Deputy Governor of Plateau State, made the call in Abuja on Monday at the 13th Nigerian International Secondary Schools Model United Nations (NISSMUN) conference.
The conference has its theme: “Preventing Young People From Getting Involved In CyberCrime”.
The president wife also urged the parents to instill the spirit of legitimate enterprise in the youths and to prevent them being associated with cybercrime activities capable of destroying their future.
“This event is relevant in the training of young people in the act of tolerance, articulation and representation.
“Today, many young people have taken advantage of this opportunity and establish very successful businesses and become charming example of enterprise.
“There are many others that have abuse this opportunity and turn them into cybercrime.
“There is need for this conference to discuss this issue extensively and suggest solution that will result to the reversal of this trend as this impact goes beyond destruction of youths but also to our national image.
“I therefore call on parents and teachers to be watchful of the online activities of young people and behaviour as they seem detrimental to our social well-being,” she said.
Also, the Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu in his address, urged students to embrace education, pursue knowledge with zeal and reject every form of criminality, including cyber-crimes.
Adamu was represented by Mr Aisnedion Alhere, Assistant Director, Basic and Secondary Education Department in the ministry.
According to him, education is at the core of human development and a veritable tool for transformation and the key to sustainable development of humanity.
“Education is a viable tool for achieving a crime free society. I therefore urge you to embrace education and pursue knowledge with zeal and reject every form of criminality.
“Cybercrime, also known as computer, digital, internet or high tech crime, refers to any crime committed using a computer.
“Today, there is an alarming increase in the number of youths involved in these practices.
“While some engage in it without realising its consequences, many do it for financial gains and peer pressure.”
The minister noted that cybercrime is a serious criminal offence punishable under the law, while calling on the students to desist from such act.
He, however, promised to continue to support education programmes and any other initiative that would improve the society and useful to the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow.
Mr China Nwaozuzu, Chairman, Governing Council of NISSMUN, said the conference was apt as it was aimed at preventing young people from turning into cyber criminals.
Nwaozuzu noted that technology and internet present young people everywhere the opportunity to become legitimate players on the field.
He urged the youths to make the world a better place to live, use the internet to create solutions that would make the rural poor no longer poor.
Also, the Secretary General of the organisation, Miss Nkechinyere Emeronye, said the set of young people who commit suicide are usually associated with cyber crimes.
She urged the youths to always take caution when sharing phone numbers, names and information online to prevent being hacked by unscrupulous elements.
She also warned the youths to desist from association with anyone, who could lure them into any form of cybercrime, while calling on them to engage their time and energy into useful discussion and activities.
Mr Eric Mayoraz, Ambassador of Switzerland said cybercrime affects all countries with huge cost implications running into billions of dollars.
He said that a World Bank Survey conducted in 2011 revealed that Nigeria along with Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa were listed among top 10 countries in the world with a high level of cybercrime prevalence.
“We live in a world where the internet permeates every facet of our daily lives, particularly the tech-savvy younger generations, largely due to advances in science and digital technology as well as global telecommunication infrastructure.
“The proliferation of cybercrime has naturally had a negative impact on Nigeria, and further addressing the menace will require both preventive measures to avoid youths’ involvement in cybercrime and to ensure protection from cyber attack.”
He noted that efforts had been put in place to tackle the issue of cybercrime at the international level.
The envoy stressed the need to have a cyber policy which would aid the elimination of cybercrime in our society.
“Sadly there is no consensus on this at the global level, with countries struggling to agree on an instrument, standards or codes in the cyber area.
“The need for action is massive as protection against cyber attacks is becoming increasingly

4m pupils benefit from FG’s daily free meal

ABUJA—FOUR million pupils from 25,771 schools across 17 states have benefited from the Federal Government Home Grown Feeding programme, Laolu Akande, Senior Special Assistant to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Media and Publicity, has said.
School feeding The School Feeding Programme is one of the crucial part of President Muhammadu Buhari administration’s Social Investment Programmes, SIP, aimed at tackling poverty and hunger, as well as creating jobs for Nigerians.
Akande in a statement in Abuja, yesterday, said three new states of Akwa Ibom, Cross River and Niger were the new states that had been covered in the programme.
The other 14 states already on the programme, he said, were Anambra, Enugu, Oyo, Osun, Ogun, Ebonyi, Zamfara, Delta, Abia, Benue, Plateau, Bauchi, Taraba and Kaduna.
The statement said: “So far, in Cross River State, 117,750 children in 973 schools are being fed under the programme, while in Akwa Ibom, there are 171,732 children in 1,101 schools being fed. Niger State has a total of 710,880 being fed in 2,411 schools in the state.
“In total, 4,773,064 schoolchildren in 25,771 schools in 17 states are currently benefitting from the school feeding programme. This is a notable increase from the previous total of 2,918,842 schoolchildren from 19,881 schools in 14 states that had benefitted from the programme.”
Besides, he said about 34,869 direct jobs had since been created from the feeding programme across the participating states, saying: “In Cross River State, for example, 1,384 cooks have been engaged, while 1,309 cooks are currently engaged in Akwa Ibom State, and 5,924 are engaged under the programme in Niger State.”
According to him, about 115,000 beneficiaries are now being funded with the monthly N5,000 stipend in 16 states, including Borno, Cross River, Niger, Kwara, Ekiti, Kogi, Oyo, Osun, Plateau, Bauchi, Anambra, Jigawa, Taraba and Adamawa.
Akande disclosed that there were reported disbursement hitches in Benue and Anambra states, and they were being addressed.
“This mainly has to do with non-opening of bank accounts and enrolling beneficiaries. It is expected that by the end of next month the hitches would have been completely resolved and the beneficiaries in position to receive the cash transfers in those states,” he said.

From the desk of R.a.c.e Studio
Langtang North 09065272305

Jos electricity coy sacks 150 workers, says “there services’re no longer needed”

The Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDC) has sacked 150 workers, in what its management said was part of a re-organisation aimed at optimum performance.
Among those sacked across its four states of Plateau, Gombe, Bauchi and Benue were marketers, linesmen, network engineers, cable joiners and electrical fitters.
Jos Electricity Distribution Company Their sack letters, signed by Abubakar Mohammed, Head, Human Resources and Support Services, simply told the workers that their services were no longer required.
The letters said they would be paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice, and warned them against impersonating as workers of the company.
Some of the workers, however, accused the JEDC management of refusing to settle their entitlements before sacking them while equally alleging that they were paid half salary in September.
They also rejected the management’s claims that those sacked were old and unproductive, arguing that most of them were young persons engaged “few years ago”.
Alhaji Gidado Modibbo, JEDC Managing Director, who reacted to the allegations, told newsmen on Tuesday in Jos that the “weeding exercise” was aimed at ridding the company of “dead woods”.
“We assess workers based on performance. Those sacked fell short of minimum expectations. Some were too old for the jobs they were handling.
“We even had Faults Men that were more than 60 years and blind. We had to ask them to go because they could not climb electric poles and were not adding any value to us,” he said.
He also rejected claims that the workers were paid half salaries in September, and explained that they received 70 per cent of their wages because management had set a target and resolved to base salaries on it.
Dr. Friday Elijah, JEDC Director of Communications, who also reacted, said the main parametre used for the sack was performance.
“The performance of the workers have been generally very poor and management had always told them to sit up.
“Last month, for instance, we distributed N4 billion worth of energy, but realised only N950 million. It means that many workers are not productive, hence our resolve to ask them to go.”
He said some workers were sacked for extorting monies from consumers, while others collected money from customers but did not remit same to the company.
Elijah said that some workers were too old and could no longer add any value to the company, while others, who were inherited from the former owners, had served for close to 40 years.
The official, however said that the company had engaged more workers than it had sacked since it took over JEDC in November 2013, “in spite of new technology that has minimised the need for manual activities”.

from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Sunday 22 October 2017

Kannywood's M. Shareef to feature Salebobo in 'Sarina'


The famous Kannywood talanted musician Umar Muhammad Shareef popularly known as  M. Shareef has disclosed that preparations have been concluded to feature one of the Nigerian's leading artist Oku Uduko Chigozie aka Salebobo in his song titled 'Sarina'.

Umar who is also a music producer, and a songwriter said that the song would be produce by the Salebobo and would be recorded in Lagos.

The musician, who lives in Kaduna, northern Nigeria and bagged several awards is partnering with Salebobo for the second time.

In 2016 M. Shareef featured Salebobo in a song 'Nagode'. The song was also produced by Salebobo.

He said, "Good music coming to you soon, #Sarina, produce by Salebobo."
When asked to comment further on the theme of the song, he declined comment, but assured that the song would be dope.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Richest Fuji Musicians in Nigeria and their net worth

Your Afro Pop and Hip-Hop Musicians aren’t the only wealthy ones, Fuji Stars are no pushovers; they can strongly hold their own.
Clockwise- Pausma Wonder, K1 De Ultimate, Abass Obesere, Saidi Osupa & Adewale Ayuba
Churning out music that gets their audience, who are mostly Yorubas, dancing till they about to drop, Fuji Musicians have been able to transform their music into revenue generators. They earn good living from doing the one thing that makes them very happy.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 richest Fuji Musicians in Nigeria.
K1 De Ultimate
Age and time come with some benefits. Having spent so many years doing Fuji music, Waisu Ayinde Anifowose has gathered a lot of wealth for himself. Despite being on the Fuji scene for that long, he is still very much relevant as he entertains his fans with great music and performances.
K1 De Ultimate has about fifty albums (including non-studio ones). He is the go-to performer for most elite Yoruba functions, and charges very well for performing. A great influence in the West and a role model to many young people, he has an estimated net worth of over N750 million.
Pasuma Wonder
Pasuma Wonder is indeed a wonder in Fuji music. With good following, his is known as the Front-liner of new generation Fuji music. He adds a modern touch to his style of music, making it more appealing to a wider audience. Non Yorubas dance to his music without the problem of language barrier. The Founder of “Wasber Records,” Pasuma is very much involved in the business of music, and has a net worth of over N555 million.
Abass Obesere
Abass Obesere needs no introduction in the Fuji music industry. With a good number of years in his records, he has vast experience and a high fan base. A bit controversial, Obesere started performing Fuji in the early 1990s and has managed to be relevant till date. He performs at elite events and is well paid. He has an estimated net worth of N500 million.
Saidi Osupa
Saidi Osupa was born to do Fuji music. Despite his experience in Engineering, he found his way to Fuji music in pursuit of his passion. With a drive to be the best in his field, Obesere has been involved in a couple of scandals over being referred to as “The King of Fuji,” a title that didn’t go down well with his rivals. He has an estimated net worth of N450 million.
Adewale Ayuba brings a lot to the table as far as Fuji music in Nigeria is concerned. With an infusion of great lyrics and good sound, he entertains his audience effortlessly. He was recently in the news for converting from Islam to Christianity. Fairly young himself, Ayuba adds a modern touch to Fuji music for a wider appeal. His net worth is said to be around N400 Million.
Fuji is growing wider by the day and more people are falling in love with the indigenous genre of music. These Musicians are playing their parts in spreading the Fuji gospel, and are making some good money for themselves in the process.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Comedy Central's audition produces bespoke stand-up comedians

Comedy Central has produced four outstanding stand-up comedians at its ‘Grab The Mic Nigeria’ audition held at the Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja in Lagos yesterday.

They are Oveze Godwin Jagbojo, Daniel Jonah, Adeyemi Moses and Oladapo Bele (a.k.a. MC Belefu).

The top four emerged after an eight-hour long screening of scores of upcoming stand-up comedians who took part in the audition.
The audition, which was chaired by ace comedian, Ali Baba, alongside On-Air Personality, Osam of Naija FM 102.7 and internet comedy sensation, Wofai Fada, was hosted by popular comedian, Seyi-Law.
Speaking at the event, Ali Baba said comedy is a lucrative business which demands intelligent performance.
“I will be looking forward to seeing intelligent performances as intellectual comedy seem very scarce nowadays; and if I see one here, I will stand up,” he said.
He added: “I know some people will join just because they see it as a means to make a lot of money. I’m looking out for those set of people to take them out. I wouldn’t want the sector to be corrupted like that of the music which is dishing out crap. 
“Comedy is not a kind of thing you can do and re-do; it’s immediate. You do well or you die on the stage. Like Shakespeare said: ‘If you’re not funny, you can’t be funny. And if you’re funny, you can decide not to be funny.’
“So, we expect choosing the best. I hope to see ladies perform well too. We’re going to clear out the pretenders from the contestants. It’s a lucrative business and of course quacks will always pop up. But the best ones will win.”
"For having the highest marks in this audition, Oveze Godwin Jagbojo will go straight to the grand finale, while Daniel Jonah will contest with other regional winners. The others - Adeyemi Moses and Oladapo Bele - who are the runners-up, will also have the chance to contest at the regional level before the grand finale to showcase their talents," Ali Baba, who chaired the panel of Judges said.

L-R: Oveze Godwin Jagbojo, Adeyemi Moses, Oladapo Bele (a.k.a. MC Belefu) and Daniel Jonah at the audition.
In an interview with Daily Trust, Oveze, who’s one of the winners, said “I feel like a celebrity now. Initially, I was scared but I just told myself: don’t be pathetic, just be yourself. I would advise other (regional) contestants to devote more energy, focus and come out with their good hearts too.”
According to the organiser, Comedy Central, the audition is aimed at raising new generation of stand-up comedians.
Port-Harcourt audition is coming up on Saturday, October 21, while Jos audition holds on October 28, the organiser said.
Comedy Central added that regional winners will contest for a whopping sum of N1.5million at the grand finale while the final winner will also share the stage with ace comedians, Ali Baba and Seyi-Law at an event to be announced later.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

My movies made people happy, my govt'll make them happier - Edochie

"I have made a lot of people happy through my films; If elected, I will leave the movie industry for governance to make the people more happier," he said.

Nollywood actor and governorship candidate of the Democratic People’s Congress (DCP), Yul Edochie, has promised to put smiles on the faces of the people of Anambra state if voted into power in the November 18 election.
He said the joy and excitement people derive from watching his numerous movies would be replicated if elected governor of Anambra state.

The movie star made the assertion while presenting Emeka Okonkwo as his running mate ahead of the guber poll at Umunachi, Dunukofia Local Government Area near Awka.
"I have made a lot of people happy through my films; If elected, I will leave the movie industry for governance to make the people more happier," he said.
Edochie expressed concern over the marginalisation of youths and the need for them to be actively involved in politics.
“For many years, we have been told that youths are the future leaders. I am here to serve as that youthful leader, who is ready to bring about positive change for the people.
“We recognise the fact that older people, who served us have done well, but the youths are here now to ensure needed change for growth and development of the state.
“There is hardship and hunger in the state and so, our first job will be to ensure food for all and we shall have a committee set up to tackle major challenges in various communities.
“Our government if elected, promises to engage more youths in meaningful employment in various sectors, especially in the entertainment industry through the siting of a Nollywood village in the state,” he added.
Earlier, Okonkwo, who solicited the votes of the electorate, said :“We know what our problems are and we will tackle them if elected.”

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Breaking: Again, 23 Massacred in Fresh Attack on Plateau Community

Just when the people of Taagbe village of Bassa Local Government area of Plateau State are still in shock over the Sunday attack that claimed six of the villagers, another 23 persons have been feared killed in a fresh attack on Nkiedonwhro village of the same local government area in the early hours of Monday.
The latest is about the third in the gale of attacks on the local government since the state government imposed an indefinite dusk-to-dawn curfew on the area since last week Friday.
Government had also blamed the locals for harbouring the attackers who turn around to kill them.
The recent incidents therefore pose a fresh challenge to the state government and security agents, whose primary responsibility it is, to protect the citizens.
Details later…
By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Jos church leader tells Buhari not to rush back home

The President of Jos-based Evangelical Bible Outreach Ministries International (EBOMI), Prophet Isa El-Buba, has advised President Muhammadu Buhari to give critical attention to his health and not hurry back home. El-Buba whose church has the reputation of owning and operating from the tallest building in Jos, said Buhari needed to be patient and remain back in London till doctors were fully satisfied with his recovery.  He said during a press conference in Jos however that Acting President Yemi Osinbajo needed more freedom to run the Presidency. He said the acting president who started on a very high speed towards economic recovery and other things, had been slowed down by certain powers who felt he was stealing the show from the president.
By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Youth CAN asks churches, pastors to support IDPs

The President of the Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN), Engr. David Kadzai, has called on churches and pastors in the country to be more committed to the plights of the needy and the less privileged, particularly the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in various camps across the country.
Speaking in Jos at the inauguration of the Plateau chapter of YOWICAN, Kadzai said it was unfortunate that many displaced persons would be passing through hard times without the brethren showing enough concern.
“Building edifices cannot replace taking care of the needy and the downtrodden. Christians and pastors need to be more committed to the plight of the needy,” he said.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio, Langtang North Plateau State

UN Women Stakeholders in Plateau State reviewed and adopts state action plan

UN Women Plateau state held a stakeholders validation workshop to review and adopt Plateau State action plan (PSAP) UNSCR 1325 on the 19th of October 2017 at the Crest Hotel in Jos.
In her welcoming address, the Permanent Secretary of the Plateau State Ministry of Women Affairs Mrs Hassana Ayika urges stakeholders at the workshop to look critically at every emerging issue in the state as they review the document. Highlighting on the effect of drug abuse among women in the north.
She also emphasize on the spillover of terrorist groups into the state which has given rise to high crime rate and the need to  enlighten  women to be cautious as rape cases are on the rise.
The Plateau State Chairperson of the National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) Mrs Jennifer Yerima commended the UN women for including journalists and the media not just to report issues but to actively participate and investigate issues bothering security and the role of women.
In her presentation, the UN Women’s Gender Technical Adviser of Women Peace and Security, WPS in Plateau State, Ms Sewuese Surma outline the overview and background of PSAP aligning with the 2nd revised national action plan (NAP) UNSCR 1325.
The 1st PSAP indentifies and document issues such as no consideration of impact of protracted conflict on women & girls in plateau state, no compensation for loss of livelihood & properties, women taking up dual roles to keep families, little or no coordination between women peace and security bodies, no prosecution recorded for perpetuators of gender-based violence, psychological trauma for women & girls, disruption of basic amenities and absence of clear operational guidelines for PSAP.
The 2nd PSAP aligns with 2nd NAP policies of states e.g, policy on peace, security and good governance, human capital and social welfare, child rights law (2005), gender and equal opportunities law (2015). Others are laws establishing plateau state peace building agency (2016), operation rainbow (2013).
Participant breaks into groups to review the document and adopt the 2017 – 2020 PSAP.
The overall principle guiding the delivery of the PSAP would focus on ensuring that women rights are protected and promoted in peace and security in plateau state.

Saturday 21 October 2017

SEN SANI TO FG: List of looters must include those in APC, Presidency cabal, not just PDP

The senator from Kaduna State who loves speaking in figurative language, Senator Shehu Sani, has applauded the recent promise by the Federal Government that it will soon publish names of Nigerians from whom looted funds were recovered.
He however urged the government to ensure that the names it promised to release will not be limited to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which he figuratively described as “aging Umbrella United players.”
Still employing the use of figurative language, Sani said the list should include those in the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) which he referred to as “the Broomers FC” as well as those he called “’Paris Saint Germain’ and Dynamo Cabal FC players,” apparently referring to those in the Presidency accused of corruption.
He wrote on his Facebook page, “The Federal Government decision to ‘publish the names of looters’ is commendable.
Hope the ‘Call up’ list will not be limited to the aging Umbrella United players but will include those in the Broomers FC and ‘Paris Saint Germain’ and Dynamo Cabal FC players.”
The senator, who represents Kaduna Central senatorial district at the Senate, was reacting to a recent report that President Muhammadu Buhari had directed ministries, departments and agencies to compile names of public officials who embezzled government funds and from whom some loots had been recovered.
READ ALSO: FG to reveal names of all looters soon –AGF Malami
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation, Mr. Abubakar Malami (SAN), who disclosed this to the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) during the week, explained that the president’s directive was sequel to an order by the Federal High Court, Lagos, which directed the Federal Government to publish the names of looters and how much was recovered from each of them.
This is not the first time Sani will be employing the use of figurative expression to express national issues. He had once described Buhari as “Lion” and Nigerians as “hyenas”.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio

To achieve development in Africa, its leaders must speak with one voice, Buhari says

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has said that in order to achieve development, economic integration, peace and security in Africa, that its leaders must speak ‘with one voice’, independent of foreign influence.
According to a statement released by President Buhari’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, he stated this during a bilateral meeting with President Alpha Conde of Guinea in Istanbul, Turkey.
They met on the margins of the ninth D8 Summit in Istanbul and exchanged views on bilateral relations as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest.
Buhari said that African leaders should learn from history to effectively tackle conflicts, violent extremism, and proliferation of small arms and light weapons.
The Nigerian leader assured his Guinean counterpart, who is also the current chairman of African Union (AU) that Nigeria would continue to strengthen its engagement with all AU member states to address current security challenges in restive areas such as South Sudan and Libya, and the political crisis in Togo.
READ ALSO: SEN SANI TO FG: List of looters must include those in APC, Presidency cabal, not just PDP
In his remarks, Conde praised Nigeria’s leadership on the continent, particularly President Buhari’s great job on anti-corruption and his strong voice on African issues at the international stage.
The Guinean leader stressed the need for Guinea and Nigeria to accelerate economic cooperation, particularly in the natural resources sector, where Guinea boasts of 25 percent or more of the world’s known bauxite reserves.

Lagos Education Ministry dumb Merits for bribes

Nigeria is estimated to have the highest number of out-of-school children globally, with over 10.5 million children, according to United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Of this lot, Lagos State is said to share 33,000 of the number, as noted in a 2014 DFID report. The majority of the children live in rural areas and the antics of local school authorities contribute highly in forcing them out of school. Ripples Nigeria, in this investigation, unravels the corrupt acts of some local school authorities in Ajegunle, Lagos state.
For Peter and friends, there won’t be school this term or even next term!
On a cool Monday morning at a slum in Ajegunle, a surbub in Ajeromi-Ifelodun Local Government Area of Lagos State, Peter Adekanbi, an 11-year-old boy who had just concluded primary education in a public school, and waiting to be enrolled in a public secondary school, was lost in a game of football.

He was not alone.
There were six other children, aged between 7-12 years, who were enjoying the round-leather game with Adekanbi. Many other teens in Tolu-Ajegunle community loafed around while their mates were in different schools learning. This Monday morning held no special attraction to these seemingly jobless young lads. Just, perhaps.
Adekanbi loved football but he also had beautiful dreams about schooling. When asked why he was not in school but playing football on a Monday morning, he said: “I have not paid the N1, 500 registration fee the principal of Alakoto Junior Secondary School asked my mum to pay.
“We are in the middle of the first term and I do not think I will go to school this term again or even next term because my mum does not have money.” Adekanbi hurried back to join others who had suspended play in his absence.

Alakoto Junior High School… Adekanbi’s mom could not afford the fee
Adekanbi’s case is one of the thousands in Ajegunle where parents lament that authorities in public primary and secondary schools deprive their children of education, as a result of the inability to pay some illegal fees and other levies imposed by the schools.
Some parents in Ajegunle, who felt the need to send their children to school as a result of persuasions by concerned Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and individuals, alleged that the corrupt practice of collecting money from them, in the form of fees and sundry levies, forced families to withdraw their children from schools.
A mother’s cry… ‘I took them home since I couldn’t afford to pay’
Adekanbi’s tale was amplified by a mother in her late 30s who simply identified herself as Iya Aminat. She shared the story of her encounter with authorities at Wowo Nursery and Primary school, Ajegunle, where she had made futile attempts to enrol three of her children. “The child I wanted to put there was to be enrolled in primary one but the teacher demanded N3, 000. The other child was to be enrolled in a nursery class, but the teacher asked me to pay N2, 000 before the child could be admitted.”

Wowo Nursery/Primary School… Iya Aminat took the kids home because she couldn’t afford to pay
Iya Aminat’s pleas for some concessions fell on deaf ears, and when the authorities insisted that she had to part with the exact fees, she sought cheaper alternatives that were far from her abode. “I now took them home since I could not afford to pay. I then took them to Apapa. At a school in Apapa, they collected N500 for one of my children to be enrolled in a nursery class. Apapa is very far from here (Ajegunle). Sometimes, if there is no money for transport, they will stay at home and not go to school for days, sometimes weeks,” she said.
Iya Aminat, whose abode is a decrepit one-room apartment, runs a make-shift tailoring outfit in the same one-room structure which she shares with the rest of the family. She fears that if nothing is done to alleviate the plight of the poor, many parents would end up not sending their children to school. She added that there were already numerous children in the area who had stopped going to school.
‘There’s nothing free in government schools…we pay N1,500 per term’
Snide remarks now trail what is generally known as Parents-Teacher Association (PTA) in Alakoto Junior Secondary School and other schools in Ajegunle. Indigent parents now organize meetings and provide funds in order to assist schools in rendering quality education to their children.
“I pay N1, 500 per term in Alakoto which the Head Teacher uses to run the school, in addition to government funds,” says Mrs. Comfort Ogar, whose daughter attends Alakoto School.

Local Authority Primary School… Nothing is free in govt schools
“Many parents have not paid and it is a big problem. They asked children who have not paid to go home. There are about 500 students in the school, only few students passed in the last Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (JSSCE).”
Ogar said that pupils in the school offer 13 subjects, and that school authorities in Alakoto claim that the institution had only three teachers. The shortfall, Ripples Nigeria learnt, is addressed through extra recruitments funded by parents. “We were asked to pay N1, 500 per term as school fees so that the teachers can teach and be paid,” says Ogar.
Ripples Nigeria searches revealed that some retired teachers were brought back by the school management without the knowledge of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB). Students are, however, compelled to pay N1, 500 in Alakoto, N2, 500 in other schools, and students who fail to pay as and at when due are forced to go home.

Dilapidated building and fallen fence of St Mary, Abukuru… Most schools lack amenities and teachers
Ogar said, “Schools in Ajegunle lack teachers and students are being affected academically. Since the government is not employing, they have to bring back retired teachers. They had to call the parents. It is the parents that now pay salaries of the extra teachers instead of the government. There is nothing free in government schools. They speak of free education. I do not see anything free because my daughter just resumed JSS1 and I know what came out from my pocket.”
Parents get scammed, free education policy suffers
When Ripples Nigeria visited Alakoto Junior Secondary School for further investigation, the school principal acknowledged that they lacked teachers in the school but denied that they charge parents to pay school fees.
Further investigations, however, revealed that teachers in some areas of Ajegunle charge parents some amount of money to admit children into various schools. This is usually paid per term. Some of the teachers do not care if parents had the money to pay or not. They only admit pupils whose parents pay the fees demanded and abandon others.
‘It’s N2,500…there is no negotiation’
Dressed like an indigent fellow, with bushy and unkempt hair, Ripples Nigeria undercover Reporter visited schools in Ajegunle, posing as a prospective parent in search of admission for his wards, the objective of which was to establish if he would be charged illegal fees. At Olodi Nursery and Primary School, his experience with the secretary to head of the school went thus:

Olodi Nursery/Primary School… illegal fees are fixed and non-negotiable
“Please, I want to register two of my wards in your school and I have come to know the requirements; one in primary two and the other in nursery one,” our Reporter said to the man who seemed to be in his late 50s.
He replied, “N2, 500 is for the registration fee, both for nursery and primary school pupils and there is no negotiation. You will sew the uniforms yourself, buy a badge for N100.”
“This is a public school and I am not supposed to pay any charge. It is supposed to be free,” the journalist retorted.”
He restated that the fees were non-negotiable, and that if the undercover agent was not ready to pay, he should leave. The Reporter agreed to pay the fee but was told he could not be issued a receipt for verification. Convinced of the illegality of the transaction, the journalist left!
‘It’s a token…if you pay this term, you only get to pay again next session!’
At Wowo Nursery and Primary School, the story was the same. The Headmistress said primary one pupils would have to pay N2, 000 while those in Nursery one would have to cough out N1, 000 for registration. “It is just a token; when you pay this term, you will not pay anything till a new session begins. At the point of entrance, this is what we pay. Sportswear is N1, 500, a badge is N200 and cap is N300. Sports levy N1, 000. Soak away is N500. Uniform is sold for N1000.” She also failed to issue a receipt after an attempt to pay the fee.
At Local Authority Primary School 2, Amukoko, the headmistress, Mrs. Rachael Adenola said registration is N1, 000 for nursery and primary. She said the school employs people to take care of the toilets and that each student in nursery and primary school is expected to pay the sum of N200 every month. This claim was confirmed to be true but Ripples Nigeria could not ascertain the exact student population to figure out income earned from toilet fees.

Local Authority Primary School II… No receipts issued for illegal fees
The leadership at Local Authority Primary School 2 would also not issue any receipts to our undercover Reporter even though he was willing and ready to pay. It was clear that if the payments were legal, the school administration would have been confident to issue receipts.
The headmistress of Ajeromi Public Primary School, Mrs. Eucharia Kamalu, in order to convince our Reporter to pay the fee said that the form which is being used to register students can only be obtained at Lagos State Secretariat in Alausa or at banks, adding that, because of the stress, they collect the money and purchase the forms themselves.

Ajeromi Public Primary School… ‘Registration forms can only be obtained from State Secretariat, Alausa’
“N1, 500 is the registration form for both nursery and primary. We go to Alausa to purchase the forms or you pay the money in the bank. Because of the stress, that is why we collect the money here and obtain the form for them and fill the necessary things,” she said. Ripples Nigeria requested for the account details so that necessary payments could be effected at the bank but this was declined.
The Reporter was persuaded to pay the fee instead of going to the bank or Alausa. Of course, this offer was resisted, knowing the illegality of the act.
Dialogue of the deaf…Government officials unmoved to act
The founder of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Dreams from the Slum Initiative, Mr. Isaac Omoyele, who grew up in Ajegunle and established the initiative to take out-of-school children in Ajegunle back to school, has been fighting teachers for over seven years to stop illegal collections.
“Lagos State government made public school education free. Teachers collect money ranging from N1, 500 to N3, 000 from parents and there are thousands of them who do not have anything to eat. We threatened the teachers. Yet, nothing happened. It is a big barrier and that is why many children do not go to school in Ajegunle,” Omoyele said.
A frustrated Omoyele drew the Reporter’s attention to a letter he sent to the Education Secretary, Ajeromi-Ifelodun Local Government Area, Mr. Aboluwodi Solomon Ademofe, in which he raised concerns about the corrupt activities of some school administrators while at the same time pleading for absorption of indigent children into schools.

Dreams From The Slum Initiative… Request to meet with Education Secretary failed to hold after nearly 2yrs.
Dated Friday, September 11, 2015 and signed by Mr. Omoyele, the letter read in part: “As part of our mission to ensure every child has access to quality basic education, reduce the number of children that are out of school by adopting them back to school and facilitating access to psychological support for children and youths with special needs, we humbly request for approval from your office for the following:
‘Give access to us to send poor out of school children to school without monetary restrictions.’
A copy of the letter seen by Ripples Nigeria indicated that it was duly acknowledged by the office of the Education Secretary. However, the requests by the NGO have not been replied and or approved nearly two years after.
“It was as a result of actions not being taken that teachers continue charging parents. The Education Secretary since then has always prevented me from seeing him. His Personal Assistant gives us excuses whenever we go to his office to see him. If he refuses to approve the letter, then it could be assumed that he is the one telling teachers to charge parents for fees,” Omoyele of Dreams from the Slum Initiative alleged.
Enmeshed in corruption…Education Ministry officials dump merit for bribes
Teachers in Ajeromi-Ifelodun may have been collecting school fees and other sundry levies from students and parents, but a very reliable source who is a Head Teacher (names withheld) in one of the 78 primary schools in the local government said that the teachers’ action is tied to the pressure being mounted on them by the Education Secretary of Ajeromi-Ifelodun, who allegedly compelled teachers to pay him what she referred to as “duty post.”
According to the Head Teacher, who repeatedly pleaded not to be mentioned for the fear of being victimized, the ‘duty post’ fee is a huge sum of money being paid to the Education Secretary to influence appointment as Head Teachers or Assistant Head Teachers in schools in the local government. The ‘must pay’ arrangement, she claimed, is the reason that teachers compel students and parents to pay school fees, and those who refuse to pay are forced to withdraw their children from school.
“Duty post is not even meant to be paid for. It is supposed to be a form of selection. You go for the exam, so when you qualify, you will be appointed to head a school. But in this case, it is no more exams. When you pay, you will see a place where, maybe a level 14 officer will be heading a level 15 because he could pay,” our source said.
“They pay according to the population of their schools. If the school is large, teachers will pay about N150, 000 to be appointed as a Head Teacher. Some pay N100, 000. If you want to be an Assistant Head Teacher, you will have to pay the sum of about N80, 000. The amount being paid is dependent on the population of the school. You pay, either to become a Head Teacher or to become an assistant. His Personal Assistant collects the money and gives to his boss,” our source alleged.
How to fall out of favour…An insider’s account
“Because I could not pay, that was why I was moved to another school, a less attractive location. A teacher is supposed to stay for five years in a school but I stayed for a year and few months and I was transferred because I refused to pay. The Secretary only puts teachers who are ready to cooperate by milking indigent parents and making returns to him in order to occupy positions of Head Teachers. But I will not and never do it,” the insider said.
“The normal thing is that we are supposed to go for an exam at SUBEB. We are supposed to be called for an exam or interview before we can be appointed as heads. But that rarely happens. The secretary simply collects gratification and will not make appoints until a teacher is retiring from any of the schools and he will replace same with teachers who pay him,” she added.
Is the office of the Education Secretary a cash cow?
There are 78 primary schools in Ajeromi-Ifelodun local government under the control of the Education Secretary. With N150, 000 fleeced from each Head Teacher, that would amount to N11.7 million. If a similar computation is done for Assistant Head Teachers who are allegedly fleeced about N80,000 each, that would amount to N6.2million. Altogether, the office of the Education Secretary may attract a handsome informal income of N17.9 million which is allegedly shared by a cabal.
“Corruption is eating deep into our local school authorities. You can hardly go to that Secretary’s office without paying something. He is in charge of every payment. He was appointed for political reasons and I think he is doing that because of the political pressure,” our source who is very familiar with goings-on in the system said.
‘Out-of-school children? We’re taking care of them’
The Education Secretary, Mr Ademofe, appeared a very busy man with an endless stream of visitors seeking his attention. Like every public servant, he first looked uncomfortable in the company of our Reporter but eased off soon after Ripples Nigeria sought to know what his office was doing to address the case of out-of-school children.
“The Lagos state government is taking good care of them. For instance, we have different programmes to empower them. We have creative centres where we train some of them. Some of them are trained as fashion designers. Some of them are trained as hairdressers. Some of them are trained for different handiwork,” Ademofe said.

St Mary (R.C.M.)… Education Secretary claims SBMC has tackled all problems facing the schools
He said that the local government was also empowering them. “After we train them, we get materials for them to empower them so that they will continue to move forward. Virtually, as far as Ajegunle is concerned, God has given us the vision to take care of our children that are out of school. As far as Ajegunle is concerned, out-of-school children are not having problems in Ajeromi-Ifelodun.
“There are no challenges because through the School-Based Management Community (SBMC) forum, we have been able to tackle all the problems. We have the Parents’ Forum. The educationists and all the politicians are on it. We have been able to tackle the problems,” he said.
Perhaps, to further drive home the clinical efficiency of job done, Ademofe added, “That is why there are no hoodlums in Ajeromi-Ifelodun local government. Everybody now moves freely. No bad boys attacking people, anybody or snatching bags unnecessarily because everybody is virtually engaged.”
‘No bad boys but…There are always bad eggs’
Confronted by findings dug up in the course of Ripples Nigeria investigations, Ademofe vigorously denied the allegation of local school authorities extorting money from indigent parents.
He said, “As far as teachers are concerned in this Ajeromi-Ifelofun, there is no teacher collecting that (school fees). Some parents are just telling lies. I am just hearing it. There is nothing like that.
“Teachers are now refined. I have warned them. No illegal collection from any angle and they have complied. No illegal collection at Ajeromi-Ifelodun local government. I’m on top. And none of them is collecting money from anybody.”
For emphasis, he added, “I want you to take note of it… in any organization, you must have one or two bad eggs and I have been trying to fish them out. Registration from primary one and early childhood care and development is free. For transfer from public to public is N1000 whereas from private to public is N2000.”
Ademofe would also vehemently deny knowledge of a request by any NGO asking for accelerated attention to be given to the case of parents who were alleging corruption on the part of local school authorities, and demanding for unadulterated implementation of the state’s free education policy.
“I am not aware. Don’t mind these people. I have not seen it. I think it’s there with my Personal Assistant and he has not presented it. Well, I was not on the seat at that time. I came on board December 1, 2015. So, I don’t know anything about it. The then-officer had left. He did not present it to me.”
However, contrary to his claims, Ademofe was the substantive Education Secretary when the letter from Dreams from the Slum Initiative, dated September 11, 2015, arrived his desk. He had assumed office on December 1, 2015.
Omoyele who led the NGO told Ripples Nigeria of his frustrations, lamenting that Ademofe’s Personal Assistant always prevented him from doing a follow up each time he visited.
And… One more scandal
The school for the physically challenged, Anglican School, Abukuru, was not spared the incidence of mal-administration. A reliable source had confided in Ripples Nigeria that a bus assigned for the comfort of the students was being abused by politicians who were deploying same for political rallies.
“Every day I see the students who can’t walk, speak or see grappling to trek home because the bus provided for them was being used for political activities. It is bad,” said the source that refused to be named.

Pupils of St Mary… Though not out-of-school, the environment speaks volume of their challenges
Another staff of the institution, after much pressure, volunteered, “Sometimes, the bus is used for distributing posters or flyers within the local government, especially during the local government election or when the school is not in session.”
The Education Secretary, Ademofe, however, admitted that such tales belonged to the past.
“That was before. It has been peacefully resolved. If you go there now, you will see the bus taking the pupils to their various homes and bringing them to school. The bus was bad before, that was why it was not in use for some time. The bus is only used for rallies, maybe during holidays when the pupils are not in session. But they are now using the bus for the purpose that it’s meant for,” he said.
Is Lagos SUBEB being out smarted by corrupt local school authorities?
The Lagos state government operates a compulsory free primary and secondary school education system and no school or teacher is mandated to charge parents to pay school and registration fees, according to the Executive Secretary, Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Mrs. Abosede Adelaja, who was interviewed in the course of the investigation.

Bose Adelaja, Executive Secretary SUBEB…. Is her agency being out-smarted by corrupt local school authorities?
When confronted with Ripples Nigeria findings in the Ajeromi-Ifelodun local government, Adelaja expressed shock saying, “There is what we call zero tolerance for illegal collection in our schools and all schools have been warned. I am surprised to hear such. Series of meetings have been held to let school authorities know that illegal collection is not allowed in our public schools. Parents are not required to pay a dime. If you look at the registration handbill and posters, it is clearly written that registration is free.
‘If they charge and you pay, you are also a collaborator’
“I don’t see why someone who will read that will be required to pay and still go and pay. In fact, we are giving out numbers that in case such things happen, parents should feel free to call us. If they charge you and you pay, you are also a collaborator, because it has been clearly written. I do not see why people will pay because if unscrupulous elements request for such money, I expect such people who are supporters of quality education in Lagos state to call on the authorities to take action.”
As regards the lack of teachers in the schools, Adelaja said that the state government just employed 1, 300 teachers for primary schools and 1, 000 for secondary schools. “We provide cleaners and security in public primary and secondary schools. Parents are not supposed to pay a dime. There is a shortage of them but this government is trying to provide all. It is zero tolerance. You cannot rule out unscrupulous elements whom when they are discovered are seriously dealt with according to the rules and regulations in Nigeria,” she said.
Questions…and more questions
The assurances from Adelaja, though consoling, leaves many questions unanswered. What internal mechanisms are in place to fish out corrupt local school authority administrators who are bent on frustrating the state’s free education policy? How can the State help indigent parents who are already too weak financially to overcome intimidation and blackmail from desperate and corrupt public servants? Indeed, given the very sensitive nature of the education sector, should strategic portfolios be used to settle political allies who may well be ill-equipped to manage public schools?
These are the key questions the Akinwunmi Ambode-led administration in Lagos must choose to address if it’s not to dangle dangerously on the list of states with rising number of out-of-school children.

By Jonathan Nanmwa Benard
Race Studio daily news

Sunday 1 January 2017

Joe Ben and Nanbyen Nansak

we have been together for three years getting to the fourth, fought more than a hundred times and reconciled as many as we did have misunderstanding, finally i am taking her in to be the lucky girl in my life no matter what happen
      i have gotten to know her much more than she knows me and i love her so much, come December 2017............

together forever Nanbyen and Jonathan

Nollywood actor Kenneth Okonkwo joins APC

Veteran Nollywood actor Kenneth Okonkwo has officially taken a huge step to developing his political career
- The 48-year-old Nsukka born actor turned lawyer joined the ruling party APC
- This special event was held at his house and celebrated by him and well wishers