Tuesday 27 October 2015

Donald Trump To “Deport All Kenyans, Including Obama” If Elected US President

Will Kenyans and Kenyan-American live in the US if Donald Trump is elected to succeed President Barack Obama? 
A satirical story published by Newslo, an American hybrid news/satire website, on Saturday, August 22, 2015 about Donald Trump’s deportation plans got many talking.
The article made fun on the Republican presidential ticket contender’s plan to combat illegal immigration and intention to build a wall along US-Mexico border to keep out immigrants in order to ‘make America great again’.
69-year-old real estate magnate argues that Mexico leaders have been taking advantage of US by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty hence they would have to pay for the wall.
He believes that deportation of 32.8 million first and second generation immigrants and 11 million undocumented ones would free up job for the Americans.
Here comes the mockery.
The article continued by their ‘just enough news’ motto to claim that the deportation would be extended to all immigrants, including the 44th US President Barack Obama.
“I’ve had my eye on Kenyans for a while now… ‘Kenyan Americans,’ as they call themselves, have been here for a while now, and there are bound to be some difficulties with the whole deportation process. But, I wouldn’t be who I am if didn’t love a good challenge,” the article ‘quotes’ Trump.
Trump would then make the Kenyan government pay for the deportation of every descendant of every Kenyan regardless of how they got to America.
The exaggeration and ridicule was simply meant to highlight Donald Trump’s outrageous anti-immigrants policies (which analysts say are not so economically sound) and opposition to Obama’s administration.
Trump has never talked about deporting Kenyans.

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