Friday 3 November 2017

Get into Character

As a kid, Samuel L. Jackson stuttered so badly that he stopped talking for almost a year. Today he’s one of the world’s most successful actors, with roles in over 100 films, including Pulp Fiction and The Avengers. For the first time, the Oscar nominated star teaches how he creates memorable characters, powerful performances, and a long-lasting career. Learn to master auditions, analyze scripts, and find the truth in every role you play.

Breaking: Gov. Lalong declares dusk-to-dawn curfew in Jos over erupted clash

Plateau state Governor Simon Lalong, has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in Jos over reported clash in the state’s capital. Vanguard earlier reported that tension had arisen in Jos as Igbo traders allegedly closed shops for fear of a reprisal attacks following reported clash between Igbo resident in Rivers state and the Hausa community. The director of press and public affairs to Governor Lalong, Emmanuel Nanle Samuel, who gave the statement also said that the governor was dismayed at the tension that was building up in the state. Lalong According to the statement, “Consequently, the governor has directed an immediate imposition of curfew from dusk to dawn (6pm – 6am) within the Greater Jos-Bukuru Metropolis, until further notice. The deployment of security personnel to all flash points within the metropolis has also been directed to ensure compliance with the curfew order and to avert any further breach of law and order. “The governor wishes to assure all citizens that the security and welfare as the primary concern of government is assured by the Rescue Administration. He is therefore enjoining all citizens to go about their business with the assurance that their safety is guaranteed. He further appealed to all religious and community leaders, neighbourhood vigilantes as well as all law abiding citizens to ensure nobody is allowed to take advantage of this unfortunate situation to engage in criminality. “The governor wishes to restate that Plateau state remains home to all citizens of Nigeria irrespective of religion, ethnic extraction or political persuasion. He therefore enjoins all peace loving citizens to ensure that nothing is allowed to upset the hard earned peace in the state.” 

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From the Desk of
R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North
BY: Mc Joe Ben Nanmwa

Tuesday 24 October 2017

That is where Buhari has brought us by Fani-Kayode

The greatest crime that man has inflicted on his fellow man in the last 50 years is the evil concept of unrestrained globalisation coupled with the incremental evolution, unacceptable espousal and wholehearted acceptance of the artificial, man-made, mongrel nation-state which is made up of ethnic and religious incompatible.
Yet thankfully there has been a backlash.
The forces of the far-right and ethnic nationalism are marshalling and are on the rise all over the world. Consequently a laudable, unprecedented and irresistable counter-offensive has begun.
We see this in Trump’s United States of America, Putin’s Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Israel, France, Holland, Hungary and many other parts of the civilised world.
We have witnessed it in Catalonia, Biafra, Scotland and Kurdistan where the oppressed are fighting for the establishment of their own nation.
All over the world we hear the cry of those that are struggling for their emancipation and deliverance from alien and foreign oppressors with whom they share no history or have any cultural or religious links or affiliation.
Throughout the comity of nations we hear the desperate lamentations and compelling words of those great and noble patriots and souls who take pride in their history, cultural heritage, ethnicity and religious faith and who refuse to allow their identity to be redefined, watered down, eradicated or decimated in the name of unrestrained and unfettered racial integration with those that they have nothing in common.
We hear the voices of those who refuse to be robbed of their heritage and persona by a godless horde of ranking unbelievers, murderous religious extremists, barbarous aliens and desperate usurpers who come from a distant land and we acknowledge the concerns of those who refuse to be ensnared by false, bogus and long-discredited notions of political correctness and the wholesale adoption of discredited and nonsensical liberal values and philosophies.
The bottom line is as follows: there is no crime in flying the flag of ethnic nationalism, in rejecting the idea of a nation of hybrids and in wanting to take your nation back for its people. There is no sin in the desire to re-establish pure and unpolluted ethnic bloodlines and racial stock.
There is no shame in chanting “blood and soil” whilst marching in the streets with torch in hand as others once did many years ago.
It is indeed the procession of the faithful: it is the march for freedom and the song of liberty.
It is an attempt to restore, defend and preserve the very essence of who we are. It is an attempt to break the shackles of bondage and the chains of slavery. It is an attempt to liberate us from those with whom we share no history, no heritage and no values and yet who insist on imposing their will on us, controlling and dominating our very lives and insisting that they were born to rule.
This is all the more so given the fact that, in the Nigerian context, our president
was once a profoundly good man I say this because under his watch more Shiite Muslims, northern Christians, Igbo youths, Middle Belters and southerners have been slaughtered and butchered than at any other time in our history other than during the civil war.
Worse still, this is a man who, according to the President of the World Bank, Kim Yong Jim, said that his organisation should concentrate their efforts on developing northern Nigeria alone as if the rest of our country does not even exist.
Yet why am I not surprised? After all, as far as Buhari is concerned the people of southern Nigeria and the middle belt are only relevant at the time of a presidential election.
This is a man who had the sheer effrontery to insult us all by addressing the entire nation in the Hausa language on the occasion of the Islamic Ramadan observance.
This is a man who boastfully and openly told the world that he would favour those who voted for him in the 2015 Presidential elections (meaning his core Muslim northern base) and that he would not favour those who voted against him (meaning the predominantly Christian south).
This is a man whom the celebrated writer Bashorun Akin Osuntokun rightly described in his latest column as a President “who is firmly wedded to the politics of division and of pan northern Nigerian Muslim irredentist politics”.
A leader must put the good of his country before his own inclinations and that of his party. This is something that is clearly lost on Muhammadu Buhari and his core northern Hausa Fulani supporters.
Nigel Farage MEP, the founder and former leader of Great Britain’s United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and one of the most formidable and potent
voices behind BREXIT recently said,
“The establishment media across Europe and the West despise me. They cannot accept that people still believe in the nation state”.
I know precisely how he feels. The walk of the ethnic nationalist in todays globalised world is more often than not a lonely one. Farage places his english heritage and identity before he does his British one. He also places his British heritage before his European one and he outrightly rejects the concept and notion of a fully integrated and amaglamated European super state where various and disparate ethnic nationalities are merged into one.
I share his vision and ethos and I superimpose it on the Nigerian plain. I am an Ife before being a Yoruba, I am a Yoruba before being a Nigerian and I refuse to have it any other way.
This is especially so when one considers what has been going on in the last two years in our country.
Consider the events in Plateau state a few days ago.
No less than forty (and according to some reports as many as one hundred) innocent and defenceless indegenous Christians, including women and children, were butchered in their homes by Muslim Fulani herdsmen.
President Muhammadu Buhari, who is himself a Muslim, a Fulani and indeed the Life Patron of the Fulani Herdsmen Association (Miyetti Allah) has offered no commiserations to the families of the dead, has refused to visit the state, has expressed no genuine regrets or remorse, has failed to arrrest any of the perpertrators and has refused to declare the Fulani herdsmen as terrorists. Instead of doing any of the above he promptly flew off to Turkey for a D8
That is where Buhari has brought us. One is compelled to ask, is this the kind of leadership and country that we deserve. Is that what Lord Lugard’s amaglamated super state with its annointed Fulani overlords have to offer? Is that what I am supposed to subsume, supress and sacrifice my Yoruba heritage and my Christian faith for? I think not!
Permit me to end this contribution with the words of Sir Winston Churchill, an Old Harrovian (like yours truly) and the greatest Prime Minister that Great Britain ever had. He said,
“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never: in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparantly overwhelming might of the enemy”.
These words inspire and I commend them to every man, woman and child in our country who refuses to bow to tyranny and be enslaved and who takes pride in who they are, where they come from and what their ethnic heritage, bloodlines, racial stock and true nationality is.
I conclude with the following counsel.
There will be times that we are powerless when we face evil, injustice and tyranny but there must never be a time when we fail to
Some say that the path of uncompromising and relentless opposition that we have chosen is a dangerous and unpredictable one. They forget that the wounds of honor are self-inflicted.
If you want to be set apart and regarded as a man of courage, truth and honor or the champion of the oppressed and the voice of the voiceless you must be ready to take the blows, wounds and oftentimes dire consequences that go with it.
William Shakespeare wrote “cowards die many times before their time but the valiant die but once” whilst our very own Wole Soyinka wrote “the man died in him who remained silent in the face of tyranny”.
The great American patriot and hero of the war of independence, John Mchenry, told King George 111 of England to “give me freedom or give me death” whilst George Washington, the leader of the American forces in that war and the first President of the United States of America said,
“the thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is that he will die on his feet before he will live on his knees”.
To top it all one of the most courageous souls of the 21st century, Edward Snowden, who is the American spy that defected to Russia two years ago, wrote “speak not because it is safe but because it is right”.
Given the circumstances that we have found ourselves in Buhari’s Nigeria, EVERY single person in our country has much to learn from the profound words of these deeply courageous men.
Some of us have chosen to be courageous and valiant and have refused to remain silent. We made a choice to stand up and resist the chicanery and wickedness of this administration and we are prepared to pay the price for the choice that we have made.
I for one would rather live a short life and die as a free man than live a long life as a slave. The Bible says “he who holds on to his life will lose it and he who is ready to give up his life for my cause will gain it”.
I do not fear any man or any circumstance because I know the God that I serve. I am a servant of truth, a warrior of light and a child of the Living God: I bow to no man and I do not tremble before tyrants.
I will endure anything and pay any price to liberate my nation from what it has been transformed in the past two years with every fibre of my being in the full knowledge that in the end we shall prevail.
By Femi Fani-Kayode

Cybercrime: Aisha Buhari urges parents, teachers to monitor online activities of youths

The Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari, has called on parents and teachers to monitor the online activities of the children to prevent them from being exposed to criminality like cybercrime.
Mrs Buhari, who was represented by Mrs Pauline Tallen, former Deputy Governor of Plateau State, made the call in Abuja on Monday at the 13th Nigerian International Secondary Schools Model United Nations (NISSMUN) conference.
The conference has its theme: “Preventing Young People From Getting Involved In CyberCrime”.
The president wife also urged the parents to instill the spirit of legitimate enterprise in the youths and to prevent them being associated with cybercrime activities capable of destroying their future.
“This event is relevant in the training of young people in the act of tolerance, articulation and representation.
“Today, many young people have taken advantage of this opportunity and establish very successful businesses and become charming example of enterprise.
“There are many others that have abuse this opportunity and turn them into cybercrime.
“There is need for this conference to discuss this issue extensively and suggest solution that will result to the reversal of this trend as this impact goes beyond destruction of youths but also to our national image.
“I therefore call on parents and teachers to be watchful of the online activities of young people and behaviour as they seem detrimental to our social well-being,” she said.
Also, the Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu in his address, urged students to embrace education, pursue knowledge with zeal and reject every form of criminality, including cyber-crimes.
Adamu was represented by Mr Aisnedion Alhere, Assistant Director, Basic and Secondary Education Department in the ministry.
According to him, education is at the core of human development and a veritable tool for transformation and the key to sustainable development of humanity.
“Education is a viable tool for achieving a crime free society. I therefore urge you to embrace education and pursue knowledge with zeal and reject every form of criminality.
“Cybercrime, also known as computer, digital, internet or high tech crime, refers to any crime committed using a computer.
“Today, there is an alarming increase in the number of youths involved in these practices.
“While some engage in it without realising its consequences, many do it for financial gains and peer pressure.”
The minister noted that cybercrime is a serious criminal offence punishable under the law, while calling on the students to desist from such act.
He, however, promised to continue to support education programmes and any other initiative that would improve the society and useful to the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow.
Mr China Nwaozuzu, Chairman, Governing Council of NISSMUN, said the conference was apt as it was aimed at preventing young people from turning into cyber criminals.
Nwaozuzu noted that technology and internet present young people everywhere the opportunity to become legitimate players on the field.
He urged the youths to make the world a better place to live, use the internet to create solutions that would make the rural poor no longer poor.
Also, the Secretary General of the organisation, Miss Nkechinyere Emeronye, said the set of young people who commit suicide are usually associated with cyber crimes.
She urged the youths to always take caution when sharing phone numbers, names and information online to prevent being hacked by unscrupulous elements.
She also warned the youths to desist from association with anyone, who could lure them into any form of cybercrime, while calling on them to engage their time and energy into useful discussion and activities.
Mr Eric Mayoraz, Ambassador of Switzerland said cybercrime affects all countries with huge cost implications running into billions of dollars.
He said that a World Bank Survey conducted in 2011 revealed that Nigeria along with Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa were listed among top 10 countries in the world with a high level of cybercrime prevalence.
“We live in a world where the internet permeates every facet of our daily lives, particularly the tech-savvy younger generations, largely due to advances in science and digital technology as well as global telecommunication infrastructure.
“The proliferation of cybercrime has naturally had a negative impact on Nigeria, and further addressing the menace will require both preventive measures to avoid youths’ involvement in cybercrime and to ensure protection from cyber attack.”
He noted that efforts had been put in place to tackle the issue of cybercrime at the international level.
The envoy stressed the need to have a cyber policy which would aid the elimination of cybercrime in our society.
“Sadly there is no consensus on this at the global level, with countries struggling to agree on an instrument, standards or codes in the cyber area.
“The need for action is massive as protection against cyber attacks is becoming increasingly

4m pupils benefit from FG’s daily free meal

ABUJA—FOUR million pupils from 25,771 schools across 17 states have benefited from the Federal Government Home Grown Feeding programme, Laolu Akande, Senior Special Assistant to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Media and Publicity, has said.
School feeding The School Feeding Programme is one of the crucial part of President Muhammadu Buhari administration’s Social Investment Programmes, SIP, aimed at tackling poverty and hunger, as well as creating jobs for Nigerians.
Akande in a statement in Abuja, yesterday, said three new states of Akwa Ibom, Cross River and Niger were the new states that had been covered in the programme.
The other 14 states already on the programme, he said, were Anambra, Enugu, Oyo, Osun, Ogun, Ebonyi, Zamfara, Delta, Abia, Benue, Plateau, Bauchi, Taraba and Kaduna.
The statement said: “So far, in Cross River State, 117,750 children in 973 schools are being fed under the programme, while in Akwa Ibom, there are 171,732 children in 1,101 schools being fed. Niger State has a total of 710,880 being fed in 2,411 schools in the state.
“In total, 4,773,064 schoolchildren in 25,771 schools in 17 states are currently benefitting from the school feeding programme. This is a notable increase from the previous total of 2,918,842 schoolchildren from 19,881 schools in 14 states that had benefitted from the programme.”
Besides, he said about 34,869 direct jobs had since been created from the feeding programme across the participating states, saying: “In Cross River State, for example, 1,384 cooks have been engaged, while 1,309 cooks are currently engaged in Akwa Ibom State, and 5,924 are engaged under the programme in Niger State.”
According to him, about 115,000 beneficiaries are now being funded with the monthly N5,000 stipend in 16 states, including Borno, Cross River, Niger, Kwara, Ekiti, Kogi, Oyo, Osun, Plateau, Bauchi, Anambra, Jigawa, Taraba and Adamawa.
Akande disclosed that there were reported disbursement hitches in Benue and Anambra states, and they were being addressed.
“This mainly has to do with non-opening of bank accounts and enrolling beneficiaries. It is expected that by the end of next month the hitches would have been completely resolved and the beneficiaries in position to receive the cash transfers in those states,” he said.

From the desk of R.a.c.e Studio
Langtang North 09065272305

Jos electricity coy sacks 150 workers, says “there services’re no longer needed”

The Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDC) has sacked 150 workers, in what its management said was part of a re-organisation aimed at optimum performance.
Among those sacked across its four states of Plateau, Gombe, Bauchi and Benue were marketers, linesmen, network engineers, cable joiners and electrical fitters.
Jos Electricity Distribution Company Their sack letters, signed by Abubakar Mohammed, Head, Human Resources and Support Services, simply told the workers that their services were no longer required.
The letters said they would be paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice, and warned them against impersonating as workers of the company.
Some of the workers, however, accused the JEDC management of refusing to settle their entitlements before sacking them while equally alleging that they were paid half salary in September.
They also rejected the management’s claims that those sacked were old and unproductive, arguing that most of them were young persons engaged “few years ago”.
Alhaji Gidado Modibbo, JEDC Managing Director, who reacted to the allegations, told newsmen on Tuesday in Jos that the “weeding exercise” was aimed at ridding the company of “dead woods”.
“We assess workers based on performance. Those sacked fell short of minimum expectations. Some were too old for the jobs they were handling.
“We even had Faults Men that were more than 60 years and blind. We had to ask them to go because they could not climb electric poles and were not adding any value to us,” he said.
He also rejected claims that the workers were paid half salaries in September, and explained that they received 70 per cent of their wages because management had set a target and resolved to base salaries on it.
Dr. Friday Elijah, JEDC Director of Communications, who also reacted, said the main parametre used for the sack was performance.
“The performance of the workers have been generally very poor and management had always told them to sit up.
“Last month, for instance, we distributed N4 billion worth of energy, but realised only N950 million. It means that many workers are not productive, hence our resolve to ask them to go.”
He said some workers were sacked for extorting monies from consumers, while others collected money from customers but did not remit same to the company.
Elijah said that some workers were too old and could no longer add any value to the company, while others, who were inherited from the former owners, had served for close to 40 years.
The official, however said that the company had engaged more workers than it had sacked since it took over JEDC in November 2013, “in spite of new technology that has minimised the need for manual activities”.

from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North

Sunday 22 October 2017

Kannywood's M. Shareef to feature Salebobo in 'Sarina'


The famous Kannywood talanted musician Umar Muhammad Shareef popularly known as  M. Shareef has disclosed that preparations have been concluded to feature one of the Nigerian's leading artist Oku Uduko Chigozie aka Salebobo in his song titled 'Sarina'.

Umar who is also a music producer, and a songwriter said that the song would be produce by the Salebobo and would be recorded in Lagos.

The musician, who lives in Kaduna, northern Nigeria and bagged several awards is partnering with Salebobo for the second time.

In 2016 M. Shareef featured Salebobo in a song 'Nagode'. The song was also produced by Salebobo.

He said, "Good music coming to you soon, #Sarina, produce by Salebobo."
When asked to comment further on the theme of the song, he declined comment, but assured that the song would be dope.

By: Mc Jonathan Nanmwa Benard a.k.a Mc Joe Ben
from the desk of R.a.c.e Studio Langtang North